
This dissemination output takes the form of a social media post on Twitter, gaining popularity on the algorithm in 2030. Its purpose is to represent the consensus of average citizens who possess the benefit of hindsight regarding policies made in the name of ‘intergenerational equity’ today. The content of the tweet is a cartoon drawn by a child in a classroom a decade from now. This cartoon cleverly satirizes the political sensationalization of ‘intergenerational equity,’ humorously highlighting its use as a façade in climate policymaking, supposedly aimed at ‘protecting the freedom and interests’ of the present generation while overlooking the implications for future generations. Simultaneously, it draws attention to the neglect of impacts on intragenerational equity. This cartoon effectively captures the conceptual dilemma surrounding the concretization of intergenerational equity as a principle, prompting reflection on whether the obligation should be interpreted as ‘freedom rights,’ a topic discussed in the accompanying essay, or otherwise.