
My dissemination output is a drawing that I have made relating to my proposal of the need of expert arbitrators. It depicts a person pointing a finger at the spectator with the subtitle: ‘I want you as arbitrator’. In the background, the drawing shows windmills, nuclear power plants, a polar bear standing on a dissipating ice floe, and an explanatory depiction of greenhouse gases.

One of the most difficult struggles for parties of an arbitration is finding a suitable arbitrator to select for arbitral tribunal. A lot depends on this selection. Finding the right arbitrator is crucial for the parties, as they may impact the entire quality of the arbitration process and of the arbitral award.

My dissemination drawing is inspired by the poster “I Want You For U.S. Army” by James Montgomery Flagg. While the original poster depicts Uncle Sam, an official advertisement figure of the United States, used to recruit soldiers for participating in the World Wars. For the avoidance of doubt, my essay and my dissemination have no connection whatsoever to war or to the United States of America. To clarify, the original poster is known worldwide and is nowadays often used as inspiration for all kinds of different advertisement. The reason why I have been inspired by it for my dissemination output, is exactly this global sense of recognition of the recruitment message. I want to use this global recognition value for my proposal: the global need of parties to arbitration to find qualified experts arbitrators to sit on their arbitral tribunal. My poster drawing aims to advertise this need for expert arbitrators amongst possible candidates. While posters may nowadays be considered old-fashioned, I can well imagine it being used as an eye-catcher for a newsletter email or on a website by arbitral institutions in order to grab the attention of the addressees.